Are You Starting From the Wrong Place?!


As filmmakers we often begin with a great idea or some iconic scenes that we know will look AMAZING. We build a story to fit around our great ideas and the great scenes we envision. You start production, it looks amazing, feels amazing, you are excited to see your vision come to life.


Eventually, when the story comes out and the reviews start rolling in…

…all the critique is about THE STORY.


Public review is never about the cinematography if the story is bad. They don’t notice the iconic scenes if the story is not well told. The lighting. The music, the acting, your inspiration that started you on this whole journey… It’s all for nothing if you don’t have a good story or you don’t tell it well.


Public review is everything to the long-term success of your film, and to you and your career as a filmmaker, and it all depends ENTIRELY on the quality of your story.


Here at Skylark Vision we don’t change your idea or lose your iconic scenes. What we do is understand the power in your inspiration. We keep hold of that power and build it out into a great story. We show you how to get your audience on the edge of their seats and keep them there.


Do you know where the power lies in your inspiration? How can it be used to be sure it works its magic? Where can it be improved? (It can be improved...)


Who on your team knows if a suggested change is a positive or a negative for the story? Who tells the executives why the changes they suggest will ruin everything? Do you have the story knowledge to lose 20% off the budget and still deliver the same glorious story?


There are a LOT of variables in story development. There are critical functions we can bring to your project to make EVERY moment perfect and massively improve your chances of success.


And when the reviews start rolling in… now your success spreads like wildfire…



David is a foremost expert on story having developed and proven a cutting edge theory of story based on language and neuroscience. Traditional theory is based on the structure of existing texts. David examines the conversation between the author and the audience, encoding and decoding using knowledge gaps and subtext. On this basis, David has developed and proven a theory, tools and methods for story development, analysis, evaluation and investment decisions. He calls his programme The Primary Colours of Story.

David has a Ph.D. in narrative theory for his original research and has written four books on the subject, including his best seller: The Story Book and his definitive master-work: The Primary Colours of Story.

Unlike the vast majority of story gurus David is also a published author of fiction (two novels, two children's books) and a produced scriptwriter